AI Voice Will Drastically Change Your Life

Thomas Anglero August 20 2024
AI Voice
AI Voice

AI Voice

I was recently interviewed and asked several great questions about AI Voice and its impact on people and business. The topic is important because people that embrace this technology will be far ahead of those who do not. There will be new business models and revenue models coming from the increased efficiency we all have and the increase speed we will work. I am quite excited even though there will be some negative drawbacks to privacy as well. Here are the interview questions and my answers:

In what ways might Gemini Live’s voice features differ from those of current AI assistants like Siri, Alexa, or ChatGPT’s Voice Mode, especially concerning naturalness and overall functionality?

– Siri and Alexa are an older generation of voice capabilities that does not allow for a fluid conversation that includes interruptions which are sometimes a natural part of human speech.

I have used ChatGPT voice mode and it is quite close to being natural speech. The hesitation it has in answering a question comes from it thinking (or actually processing) about an answer. The delay before answering is something a user gets used to because the answers are so good that the delay becomes ignored. This is true too of human speech.

What privacy concerns could arise with an AI assistant operating both in the background and while a phone is locked?

– Assuming a person gave the AI assistant permission to always be listening like Amazon Alexa does, then the same concerns are relevant but more so. We carry our mobile phones with us all the time. The phone would be listening all the time to every conversation, voice, noise, and sounds we naturally experience. This feature can be extremely beneficial for vloggers who can now document their entire day at a level they could never have achieved before with just video but there might be a violation of an individual’s privacy involved. This is a new situation which will be debated when more people begin “Voice Vlogging” their life in public spaces and more so, in private situations. Not everything needs to be recorded.

AI Voice

How could introducing various voice options for AI assistants affect user engagement and the general perception of AI technology?

– Once we become used to the new norm that many people have their voice assistant always on, things will feel normal because of the incredible advantages having it on listening, recording, noting down important parts of conversations, commitments we have made on specific dates and times, etc. It will feel like we have a personal secretary following us around all the time taking care of every facet of our personal and business life. People will feel empowered and more efficient.

The downside is that we lose some privacy and create a segment of people who refuse to use this technology and then we have a new segment of the haves and have nots. This technology will be abused by certain people but that is true of all new technologies. The flaw is not the technology, it’s that we are human.

Thomas F. Anglero
[email protected]

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