Artificial Intelligence & World Government Summit (Dubai 2023)

Thomas Anglero February 5 2024
Artificial Intelligence &Amp; World Government Summit With Thomas Anglero

I was invited to speak on a panel at the World Government Summit (Dubai 2023) to discuss Value-driven Organizations Disrupted Business Models. The first question I received was about the difference between innovation in the public sector versus the private sector.

The panel members were all incredible to be with and shared ideas so that the audience of the world’s most powerful government officials, were I hope provided with new information.

I was most impressed with H.E. from Kazakhstan, Minister of Innovation, who spoke about all the incredible innovation projects they have provided to the people of Kazakhstan. I was truly impressed with his passion and love for his people.

The world can learn much from what #kazakhstan has done to improve and innovate their country so their people live better lives. Truly impressive!


Wonderful event and I look forward to speaking at more WGS events and other important events globally.


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