
Thomas F. Anglero


“Dear Thomas! Thank you for an incredibly inspiring talk and evening yesterday with JCI Innovation. I think all members and guests present have connected with your stories. These stories and values that are so important to convey, especially because we are working with rebuilding our culture within JCI Norway. For me personally, your message has definitely been a lifesaver.”

Nora Gamst Testimonial

Nora Gamst Testimonial About Thomas Anglero
Nora Gamst

Passionate People Developer | Trainer | Analytic Health Care Manager | Big-Picture Thinker / University of Oslo

“Hi Thomas, amazing and inspiring speech today! You are AWESOME! 😁” Tobias is a professional trainer at SATS gym in Oslo, Norway, who works with several prestigious clients every day on making themselves better through training the mind and the soul.

Tobias Vehus Testimonial

Tobias Vehus
Tobias Vehus

Sales Consultant SATS

“Hi Thomas, thanks for spreading light and beauty to my life…your voice clears my mind from negative thoughts…listening to you changes my attitude…I love your podcast and your public speaking. Go forth and spread light and beauty, written with love, Vebjørn Kristvik”

Thomas Anglero has been producing the Soul of Innovation podcast since 2015 and regularly receives emails and videos from fans from all over the world.

Vebjørn Kristvik Testimonial

Vebjorn Kristvik
Vebjørn Kristvik

Avid Podcast Listener of the Soul of Innovation podcast

“Hi Mr. Thomas, I have been listening to your podcasts on Spotify every day, and the impact you brought to my life is beyond imagination.  I have made some progress based on your advice..” Mr. Geneya is a long-time listener to Soul of Innovation podcast which is streamed on Spotify, Apple iTunes, and Google Play as well as other podcast platforms. The Soul of Innovation podcast is recorded every week by Mr. Thomas F. Anglero no matter where he travels around the world.

Gihon Gebeya Testimonial

Oslo Business Forum Don'T Settle For Less, Thomas Anglero Podcast
Gihon Gebeya

An Avid and passionate podcast listener to the Soul of Innovation podcast

Thomas F. Anglero is a renowned public speaker who motivates, energizes, and connects with audiences across the world. With a remarkable personal journey that has seen him launch two start-ups, coach a championship basketball team, and become an executive at a global technology company