Digital assistants will eventually replace apps or not?

Thomas Anglero October 3 2024
Digital Assistants
Digital Assistants

Digital assistants

The limiting factor is human resistance to change which means mobile apps will be around for quite some time even if there are better offerings that are more productive like Meta’s new Orion glasses. This product allows a user to multi-task with several apps and services simultaneously as well as listen to music or watch Netflix while working on several other projects at the same time.

I believe adding voice capabilities to applications is the missing piece of technology that will accelerate the usage of applications and greater change of habits. Voice-enabled digital assistants will be the feature that gets the masses to become even more comfortable with technology. Alexa proved and is still proving today that voice is the killer app or the preferred way for humans to interact with humans and now non-humans.

Digital assistants

I foresee education being hugely affected in a positive way by voice-enabled learning. It will change the old models of learning and academic institutions because young students will become smarter earlier in their lives and will not adapt to the old structures. This is probably for another article but the changes we have seen are nothing compared to what is coming.

Thomas F. Anglero

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