AI Bubble is a Hype Bubble Like Any Other

Thomas Anglero September 20 2024
Ai Bubble


Ai Bubble

AI Bubble

The AI bubble is a hype bubble like any other hype bubble be it Miley Cyrus or Taylor Swift, it is now AI’s turn to be at the center of all the hype. What does it mean to the layperson, that a technology change that goes beyond the latest iPhone 16 is happening, and is the hype real?

Yes and no. Yes, AI will affect many people’s jobs. Many people will lose their jobs, and many people who are willing to learn different skills will find new jobs. Like anything that is hyped up, it feels like it all is happening right now but in reality, it will take time for you and me to feel it. When we do, then it will be too late because AI is truly a game changer in replacing people and allowing one person to do the work of many.

This bubble will most likely burst when funding for AI startups stops which will probably happen in 2025. Billions of dollars are being invested in AI startups every week during 2024 so the AI hype bubble is still going strong but there will be many investors who will lose because they got caught up in the hype.

AI Bubble

The best thing you can do to prepare and prosper is to start using ChatGPTo1 and other GenAI tools (Gemini, Claude, Co-Pilot, etc.) that are freely available. Start incorporating them into your normal life. Treat them as a free advisor who is always there for you with great advice. In time, you will experience the power of AI and all the benefits it will bring to your life and others. Start teaching others around you about AI and by the time the AI bubble explodes, you will be seen as an AI expert and your future will be secured.

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