The generational differences between Gen-Z, Millennials, Gen Alpha, Gen-X and Boomers is quite large. For decades, Boomers received tremendous amount of attention because their group is so large in size and their impact to shaping the world after World War II. This is no longer true due to the impact that AI has had and will definitely have on all generations and all cultures world wide. The discussion has shifted from “We vs Them” to “AI vs Us” and it should. The rapid acceleration of AIs intelligence based on data we have provided for decades and based on data we are providing in real-time with AI connected directly to thousands of live camera feeds in factories, security areas and millions of cross walks and streets has given AI the intellectual advantage over a normal human.
Is this advantage enough such that we should no longer discuss the difference in generations? No! We (all generations) must live with one-another every single day. We together form our communities, our families, our schools and our office spaces. The hype may go to AI but the work goes to the humans. Parents have always known the pain of raising and being the leader of a multigenerational household where communication skills and love is taught regardless of the arguing and disagreements that dominates some conversations. Multigenerational communities are the norm and companies and especially, office workers must be better equipped to handle the nuances of the new generations that are coming.
The newest generation is Gen Alpha and they are different (as are all the newest generations). They are being raised by Millennials and Gen-Z parents and this creates a rift within the Gen Alpha community. The Gen-Z were raised with an iPad in their face as a child. They are most comfortable with the world via a computer screen and swiping. The Millennials are anti-iPad baby sitting. They are anti-Gen Z everything. The Millennials are paying attention to the Gen Z are making sure that themselves and their kids don’t do anything they do. Hence, a rift within the Gen Alpha community and this will be their super power.
Gen Alpha is probably the most informed generation ever since they use AI for everything. They realize that relying on human cognition alone is stupid. That their own innate thoughts combined with AI is absolutely the best way to think, work, basically live. This simple fact is a revolution to the other generations.
Gen Alpha is the ALPHA generation that will self correct all the digital mistakes and ignorance of all the generations before it. Gen Alpha will take climate change and make changes using Nano knowledge to begin assisting mother-nature and not fighting her with ridiculous carbon credits. Gen Alpha will restore the food challenges we have global with greeter farming yields and also more nutrition per yield. From an academic point of view, Gen Alpha will reignite the concept of home schooling and vocational schools because of the need of specialty skills to repair the fleet of humanoid robots that are used pervasively in every aspect of our lives. Gen Alpha sees humanoid robots as a benefit to mankind versus other generations who fear that they will lose their job to the robots. Gen Alpha understands that the robot jobs are not jobs for humans and using robots with humans can benefit humanity on a scale that can bring changes in months instead of decades.
Gen Alpha is being raised today. They are young, influential, curious but they are not dumb. They are the best of breed of all the generations before them, empowered by all the innovation that has been given to them, and like all generations before them, they are born to not like what the situation they were born into. They will change everything but they will not do it alone. They with AI powered by humanoid robots will remap and redefine our planet, expand the limitations of everything we thought was possible before.